Using AdminClient for Command Line Utility for OGG MA

To use the command line interface with Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture (OGG MA), you need to utilize the AdminClient utility. Unlike the traditional Classic Architecture, where you use ggsci for most administrative tasks, OGG MA provides the AdminClient command-line interface for interacting with OGG processes.

Set the OGG Environment Variable:

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1
export ORACLE_SID=orclprd
export TNSADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
export OGG_HOME=/u01/goldengate/ogg21c_ma
[oracle@orclprd ogg21c_ma]$ cd $OGG_HOME/bin

[oracle@orclprd bin]$ pwd

[oracle@orclprd bin]$ ls -lrt adminclient
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 oracle oinstall 5111424 Jul 29  2021 adminclient
[oracle@orclprd bin]$ ./adminclient
Oracle GoldenGate Administration Client for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_21.

Copyright (C) 1995, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle Linux 7, x64, 64bit (optimized) on Jul 28 2021 12:32:46
Operating system character set identified as UTF-8.

OGG (not connected) 1>

Below Commands are for Administration Client Utility Environment:

OGG (not connected) 1> help

Administration Client Command Summary:

  !                  - Executes the previous command without modifications.
  ADD CREDENTIALS    - Create user credentials for use by the Administration Client.
  ALLOWNESTED        - Enables the use of nested OBEY files.
  CD                 - Change the Admin Client working directory
  CONNECT            - Connect to an Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager
  DELETE CREDENTIALS - Remove user credentials from the Administration Client.
  DISCONNECT         - Disconnect from the Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager
  EXIT               - Exit the Oracle GoldenGate Admin Client
  HELP               - Provides assistance with syntax and usage of commands.
  HISTORY            - Shows a list of the most recently issued commands since the startup of the session.
  INFO CREDENTIALS   - Display information about Administration Client user credentials.
  NOALLOWNESTED      - Disables the use of nested OBEY files.
  OBEY               - Processes a file that contains a list of Oracle GoldenGate commands.
  SET COLOR          - Enable or disable colored text in the Administration Client.
  SET DEBUG          - Enable or disable debugging mode for the Administration Client.
  SET EDITOR         - Sets the default text editor program for editing parameter files.
  SET PAGER          - Sets the default text viewer program for viewing parameter and report files.
  SET VERBOSE        - Enable or disable verbose command result output.
  SHELL              - Executes shell commands on the local system.
  SHOW               - Displays the attributes of the Oracle GoldenGate environment.

Connect to the Service Manager: (if you have one deployment, then connect to default one or no need to mention the deployment name)

OGG (not connected) 9> connect '' as oggadmin password #####
Using default deployment 'OGG21c'

Note: As I deployed with non-secure option during installation, so https will not work so I used the http. And got below error for https.

OGG (not connected) 2> connect https://localhost:7830 deployment OGG21c as oggadmin !

Error: Network error - SSL connection unexpectedly closed

2024-09-14T17:06:36Z  ERROR   OGG-12982  Failed to establish secure communication with a remote peer.  The TLS handshake processing and negotiation was unsuccessful.

If you have more the one deployment, provide the deployment name during correction:

OGG (not connected) 11> connect '' as oggadmin password #######

Error: Deployment name must be specified
Available deployments are:
 - OGG12_2
 - OGG21c
 - ServiceManager
OGG ( OGG21c) 7> connect '' as oggadmin deployment OGG21c
Password for 'oggadmin' at '':

OGG ( OGG21c) 8> info all
Program     Status      Group       Type             Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt

EXTRACT     RUNNING     EHR         INTEGRATED       00:00:00      00:00:04
REPLICAT    RUNNING     RHR         PARALLEL INT     00:00:00      00:00:05

OGG ( OGG21c) 31> info EHR

Extract    EHR       Last Started 2024-09-13 21:07   Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag       00:00:03 (updated 00:00:09 ago)
Process ID           27605
Log Read Checkpoint  Oracle Integrated Redo Logs
                     2024-09-14 15:23:29
                     SCN 0.4052617 (4052617)
Settings Profile     Default
Encryption Profile   LocalWallet

Once Connected to the Service Manager, most of the GGSCI commands will support by AdminClient.

OGG ( OGG21c) 22> help

Administration Client Command Summary:

  !                           - Executes the previous command without modifications.
  ADD AUTORESTART             - (Command removed) Create an autorestart rule.
  ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE         - Creates a checkpoint table in a database.
  ADD CREDENTIALS             - Create user credentials for use by the Administration Client.
  ADD CREDENTIALSTORE         - (Deprecated) Creates a credentials store (wallet) that stores encrypted database user credentials.
  ADD DISTPATH                - Creates a distribution path.
  ADD ENCRYPTIONPROFILE       - Create an encryption profile for trail encryption/decryption.
  ADD EXTRACT                 - Creates an Extract group.
  ADD EXTTRAIL                - Adds a local trail to the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
  ADD HEARTBEATTABLE          - Add a heartbeat table to the database
  ADD MASTERKEY               - Adds a master encryption key to a master encryption key wallet.
  ADD PROCEDURETRANDATA       - Enables procedure-level supplemental logging.
  ADD PROFILE                 - Create a profile for managed processes.
  ADD RECVPATH                - Creates a target-initiated distribution path in Receiver Service.
  ADD REPLICAT                - Adds a Replicat group.
  ADD RMTTRAIL                - Adds a remote trail to the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
  ADD SCHEMATRANDATA          - Enables schema-level supplemental logging.
  ADD TRACETABLE              - Creates a trace table.
  ADD TRANDATA                - Enables table-level supplemental logging.
  ALLOWNESTED                 - Enables the use of nested OBEY files.
  ALTER CREDENTIALSTORE       - Changes the contents of a credentials store.
  ALTER DISTPATH              - Changes the attributes of a distribution path.
  ALTER ENCRYPTIONPROFILE     - Alter an encryption profile for trail encryption/decryption.
  ALTER EXTRACT               - Changes attributes of an Extract group.
  ALTER EXTTRAIL              - Changes attributes of a local trail.
  ALTER HEARTBEATTABLE        - Alter a heartbeat table in the database
  ALTER RECVPATH              - Changes the attributes of a target-initiated distribution path in Receiver Service.
  ALTER REPLICAT              - Changes attributes of a Replicat group.
  ALTER RMTTRAIL              - Changes attributes of a remote trail.
  CD                          - Change the Admin Client working directory
  CLEANUP CHECKPOINTTABLE     - Removes checkpoint records that are no longer needed.
  CLEANUP EXTRACT             - Deletes run history for an Extract group.
  CLEANUP REPLICAT            - Deletes run history of a Replicat group.
  CLEAR INSTANTIATION CSN FOR - Clear the instantiation CSN on a target table.
  CONNECT                     - Connect to an Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager
  CREATE WALLET               - (Deprecated) Creates a wallet that stores master encryption keys.
  DBLOGIN USERIDALIAS         - Logs the session into a database so that other commands that affect the database can be issued.
  DELETE AUTORESTART          - (Command removed) Remove an autorestart rule.
  DELETE CHECKPOINTTABLE      - Removes a checkpoint table from a database.
  DELETE CREDENTIALS          - Remove user credentials from the Administration Client.
  DELETE CREDENTIALSTORE      - Deletes the wallet that serves as a credentials store.
  DELETE DISTPATH             - Deletes a distribution path.
  DELETE ENCRYPTIONPROFILE    - Remove an encryption profile.
  DELETE EXTRACT              - Deletes an Extract group.
  DELETE EXTTRAIL             - Removes a local trail from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
  DELETE HEARTBEATENTRY       - Delete heartbeat table entries from the database
  DELETE HEARTBEATTABLE       - Delete a heartbeat table from the database
  DELETE MASTERKEY            - Marks a master encryption key for deletion.
  DELETE PROCEDURETRANDATA    - Disables procedure-level supplemental logging.
  DELETE PROFILE              - Remove a managed process profile.
  DELETE RECVPATH             - Deletes a target-initiated distribution path in Receiver Service.
  DELETE REPLICAT             - Deletes a Replicat group.
  DELETE RMTTRAIL             - Removes a remote trail from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
  DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA       - Disables schema-level supplemental logging.
  DELETE TRACETABLE           - Removes a trace table.
  DELETE TRANDATA             - Disables table-level supplemental logging.
  DISABLE SERVICE             - Disable the specified Oracle GoldenGate services.
  DISCONNECT                  - Disconnect from the Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager
  EDIT ENCKEYS                - Opens the ENCKEYS file for editing in the default text editor.
  EDIT GLOBALS                - Opens the GLOBALS parameter file for editing in the default text editor.
  EDIT PARAMS                 - Opens a parameter file for editing in the default text editor.
  ENABLE SERVICE              - Enable the specified Oracle GoldenGate services.
  ENCRYPT PASSWORD            - Encrypt a password that is used in an Oracle GoldenGate parameter file or command.
  EXIT                        - Exit the Oracle GoldenGate Admin Client
  FLUSH SEQUENCE              - Updates an Oracle sequence so that initial redo records are available at the time that Extract starts capturing transaction data.
  HEALTH DEPLOYMENT           - Display the health of the specified Oracle GoldenGate deployments.
  HELP                        - Provides assistance with syntax and usage of commands.
  HISTORY                     - Shows a list of the most recently issued commands since the startup of the session.
  INFO ALL                    - Displays status and lag for all Oracle GoldenGate processes on a system.
  INFO AUTORESTART            - (Command removed) Returns information about autorestart rules.
  INFO CHECKPOINTTABLE        - Returns information about one or more checkpoint tables.
  INFO CREDENTIALS            - Display information about Administration Client user credentials.
  INFO CREDENTIALSTORE        - Returns information about a credentials store.
  INFO DISTPATH               - Returns information about distribution path(s).
  INFO ENCRYPTIONPROFILE      - Returns information about encryption profiles.
  INFO ER                     - Returns information about the specified wildcarded groups.
  INFO EXTRACT                - Returns information about an Extract group.
  INFO EXTTRAIL               - Returns information about a local trail.
  INFO HEARTBEATTABLE         - Describe a heartbeat table in the database
  INFO MASTERKEY              - Returns information about master encryption keys.
  INFO PARAM                  - Displays parameter definition information.
  INFO PROCEDURETRANDATA      - Returns information about the state of procedure-level supplemental logging.
  INFO PROFILE                - Returns information about managed process profiles.
  INFO RECVPATH               - Returns information about target-initiated distribution path(s) in Receiver Service.
  INFO REPLICAT               - Returns information about a Replicat group.
  INFO RMTTRAIL               - Returns information about a remote trail.
  INFO SCHEMATRANDATA         - Returns information about the state of schema-level supplemental logging.
  INFO TRACETABLE             - Returns information about a trace table.
  INFO TRANDATA               - Returns information about the state of table-level supplemental logging.
  KILL ER                     - Forcibly terminates the specified wildcarded groups.
  KILL EXTRACT                - Forcibly terminates the run of an Extract group.
  KILL REPLICAT               - Forcibly terminates a Replicat group.
  LAG ER                      - Returns lag information about the specified wildcarded groups.
  LAG EXTRACT                 - Returns information about Extract lag.
  LAG REPLICAT                - Returns information about Replicat lag.
  LIST TABLES                 - Lists the tables in the database with names that match the input specification.
  MININGDBLOGIN USERIDALIAS   - Specifies the credentials of the user that an Oracle GoldenGate process uses to log into an Oracle mining database.
  NOALLOWNESTED               - Disables the use of nested OBEY files.
  OBEY                        - Processes a file that contains a list of Oracle GoldenGate commands.
  OPEN WALLET                 - (Deprecated) Opens a master encryption key wallet.
  PURGE EXTTRAIL              - Removes files related to a local trail from the file system.
  PURGE WALLET                - Permanently removes from a wallet the master encryption keys that are marked as deleted.
  REGISTER EXTRACT            - Registers an Extract group with the database.
  REGISTER REPLICAT           - Registers a Replicat group with the database.
  RENEW MASTERKEY             - Adds a new version of a master encryption key.
  RESTART DEPLOYMENT          - Restart the specified Oracle GoldenGate deployments.
  RESTART ER                  - Stops, then starts the specified wildcarded groups.
  RESTART EXTRACT             - Stops, then starts an Extract group.
  RESTART REPLICAT            - Stops, then starts a Replicat group.
  RESTART SERVICE             - Restart the specified Oracle GoldenGate services.
  SEND ER                     - Sends instructions to, or returns information about, the specified wildcarded groups.
  SEND EXTRACT                - Sends instructions to, or returns information about, a running Extract group.
  SEND REPLICAT               - Sends instructions to, or returns information about, a running Replicat group.
  SET COLOR                   - Enable or disable colored text in the Administration Client.
  SET DEBUG                   - Enable or disable debugging mode for the Administration Client.
  SET EDITOR                  - Sets the default text editor program for editing parameter files.
  SET INSTANTIATION CSN       - Set the instantiation CSN on a target table.
  SET PAGER                   - Sets the default text viewer program for viewing parameter and report files.
  SET VERBOSE                 - Enable or disable verbose command result output.
  SHELL                       - Executes shell commands on the local system.
  SHOW                        - Displays the attributes of the Oracle GoldenGate environment.
  START DEPLOYMENT            - Start the specified Oracle GoldenGate deployments.
  START DISTPATH              - Starts a distribution path.
  START ER                    - Starts the specified wildcarded groups.
  START EXTRACT               - Starts an Extract group.
  START RECVPATH              - Starts a target-initiated distribution path in Receiver Service.
  START REPLICAT              - Starts a Replicat group.
  START SERVICE               - Start the specified Oracle GoldenGate services.
  STATS DISTPATH              - Returns statistics for a distribution path.
  STATS ER                    - Returns processing statistics for the specified wildcarded groups.
  STATS EXTRACT               - Returns processing statistics for an Extract group.
  STATS RECVPATH              - Returns statistics for a target-initiated distribution path in Receiver Service.
  STATS REPLICAT              - Returns processing statistics for a Replicat group.
  STATUS DEPLOYMENT           - Display status of the specified Oracle GoldenGate deployments.
  STATUS ER                   - Returns the state of the specified wildcarded groups.
  STATUS EXTRACT              - Returns the state of an Extract group.
  STATUS REPLICAT             - Returns the state of a Replicat group.
  STATUS SERVICE              - Display status of the specified Oracle GoldenGate services.
  STOP DEPLOYMENT             - Stop the specified Oracle GoldenGate deployments.
  STOP DISTPATH               - Stops a distribution path.
  STOP ER                     - Stops the specified wildcarded groups.
  STOP EXTRACT                - Stops an Extract group.
  STOP RECVPATH               - Stops a target-initiated distribution path in Receiver Service.
  STOP REPLICAT               - Stops a Replicat group.
  STOP SERVICE                - Stop the specified Oracle GoldenGate services.
  SYNCHRONIZE REPLICAT        - Returns all threads of a coordinated Replicat to a uniform start point after an unclean shutdown of the Replicat process.
  UNDELETE MASTERKEY VERSION  - Changes the state of a master encryption key from being marked as deleted to marked as available.
  UNREGISTER EXTRACT          - Unregisters an Extract group from the database.
  UNREGISTER REPLICAT         - Unregisters a Replicat group from the database.
  UPGRADE CHECKPOINTTABLE     - Adds a supplemental checkpoint table when upgrading Oracle GoldenGate from version or earlier.
  UPGRADE HEARTBEATTABLE      - Alters heartbeat tables to track Extract restart position.
  VALIDATE ENCRYPTIONPROFILE  - Validates that data can be encrypted with the given profile.
  VERSIONS                    - Displays information about the operating system and database.
  VIEW DISCARD                - Displays the discard file that is generated by Extract or Replicat.
  VIEW ENCKEYS                - Displays the contents of the ENCKEYS file in read-only mode on-screen.
  VIEW GLOBALS                - Displays the contents of the GLOBALS parameter file in read-only mode on-screen.
  VIEW MESSAGES               - Displays the Oracle GoldenGate message log (ggserr.log file).
  VIEW PARAMS                 - Displays the contents of a parameter file in read-only mode on-screen.
  VIEW REPORT                 - Displays the process report that is generated by Extract or Replicat.