Category: Oracle Database 12c

Configure Heat Map & Automatic Data Optimization (ADO) in Oracle 12c

Nowadays Data is growing very rapidly at enterprises – various industry estimates indicate that data volume is doubling every 2-3 years. The rapid growing data is going to be challenged for IT, both in cost and performance. Although the cost of storage keeps declining, fast-growing data volumes make storage one ofthe costliest elements of most …

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Configure the network environment for Multitenant Database

This topic describes how to configure the network environment on Multitenant Database. Create a Service. Create a Listener. Create a Service: List of Services: Create a Service for PDB: DBMS_SERVICE package will use for creating a new service. For GI env, you may use srvctl to create and manger a service. When execute DBMS_SERVICE.CREATE_SERVICE procedure, …

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Install Agent on OEM 12c or 13c in Silent Mode

In this topic I will show how to add an agent using Pull method in Silent Mode. Agent Installation processes are same for 12c and 13c. OMS Server : ocmoem Target Server : ocm12c Login on OMS server using sysman and Synchronized: Get Platform Supported List: Download Agent Software from OMS: Move Agent Software to …

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Oracle Database 12c RAC on Oracle Linux 6.5

Oracle RAC (Real Application Cluster) is used for complex application to increase database performance, high availability and scalability. Below high level steps will perform to configure / install Oracle RAC: Configure 2 Virtual Machine (VM) for 2 Nodes RAC Install Oracle Linux 6.5 Install GI (Grid Infrastructure) Configure ASM Install Oracle Database Binary Create Database …

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Administration Database Users including Roles and Privileges on Multitenant

This topic describes how to create and manage a user in Multitenant database. There are two types of users in Multitenant Database: Common User: User exists in all containers (root container and all PDBS). Local User: User exists on particular PDB only. Similarly, Two types of role are available in Multitenant Database: Common Role: Role …

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Managing a Pluggable Database

Change the PDB State. Unplug the PDB. Set default tablespace. Set default temporary tablespace. Enable (disable) logging. Change status of datafile (online/offline).

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Creating a Pluggable Database

In this topic, I will show how to Create and manage PDB: Create a PDB from SEED. Clone a PDB with No Data. Clone a PDB from existing local PDB. Clone a PDB from existing remote PDB. Clone a PDB from existing remote Non-CDB. Clone a PDB from non-CDB using DBMS_PDB Package. Plugging In an …

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Creating Container and Pluggable Database Using CREATE DATABASE SQL Command

In Oracle OCM exam, You may need to create database using command line. Even in real life, You may no have the option to use the software for GUI. I will show how to create a CDB and PDB using SQL Command. Create required directories. Set Environment Variables. Create Password File. Create a pfile and …

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Install Oracle 12.1 Software and Create database in Silent Mode

In this Topic, I will show how to install Oracle Software only and Create database using DBCA by silent mode. Oracle Installation Prerequisites Install Oracle 12c Software in Silent Mode: Create Database Using DBCA with Silent Mode: Oracle Installation Prerequisites: Add following kernel parameters on /etc/sysctl.conf. Run following command to verify and output will …

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Move or Rename Oracle Files

DBA needs to rename or move oracle file from one filesystem or ASM DISKGroup to another. Move Datafiles Using ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE command – 12c and onward Moving Datafile Using RMAN with offline option – 10g or 11g Prerequisites: Database should be configured archive log mode.

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