CREDENTIALSTORE: Creates a credentials store (wallet) that stores encrypted database user credentials. The CREDENTIALSTORE is a new feature in Oracle GoldenGate 12c and the default location of the credential store is “$GG_HOME/dircrd”.
Existing Setup:
GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain) 2> INFO CREDENTIALSTORE Reading from credential store: ERROR: Unable to open credential store. GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain) 3> ADD CREDENTIALSTORE Credential store created. GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain) 4> INFO CREDENTIALSTORE Reading from credential store: No information found in credential store.
Steps to add USERALIAS:
GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain) 5> DBLOGIN USERID GGUSR, PASSWORD ggusr_password Successfully logged into database. GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain as GGUSR@orclprd) 6> INFO CREDENTIALSTORE Reading from credential store: No information found in credential store. GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain as GGUSR@orclprd) 7> ALTER CREDENTIALSTORE ADD USER GGUSR ALIAS GGUSR_ORCLPRD Password: Credential store altered. #After added the credential, below wallet file has been created. GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain as GGUSR@orclprd) 8> sh ls -lrt dircrd/ total 4 -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 605 Nov 17 19:18 cwallet.sso GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain as GGUSR@orclprd) 9> DBLOGIN USERIDALIAS GGUSR_ORCLPRD Successfully logged into database. GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain as GGUSR@orclprd) 11> INFO CREDENTIALSTORE Reading from credential store: Default domain: OracleGoldenGate Alias: GGUSR_ORCLPRD Userid: GGUSR
Alter existing user credential:
GGSCI (orclprd.localdomain as GGUSR@orclprd) 31> ALTER CREDENTIALSTORE REPLACE user ggusr@orclprd ALIAS GGUSR_ORCLPRD Password: Credential store altered.