Author's posts
Jul 11 2020
Exadata Simulation on VM (Cell
Create a Virtual Machine for Exadata CELL or Storage Server In this topic will demonstrate how to configure Cell or Storage Server for Exadata. Very few companies are using Exadata Engineering system so this is very difficult for a DBA to get an environment to explore. So Exadata simulation will be a good option to …
Jul 08 2020
Exadata Simulation (X3) on VM Part – II
In this topic I will demonstrate how to configure compute node for Exadata and how to configure connection between Cell and Compute Nodes on VM. Very few companies are using Exadata Engineering system so this is very difficult for a DBA to get an environment to explore. So Exadata simulation will be a good option …
Jul 07 2020
Exadata Simulation (X3) on VM Part – I
Create a Virtual Machine for Exadata CELL or Storage Server In this topic, I will demonstrate how to configure Cell or Storage Server for Exadata on VM. Very few companies are using Exadata Engineering system so this is very difficult for a DBA to get hands on Exadata. So Exadata simulation will be a good …
Jul 06 2020
Install Oracle Linux 6.8 on VM
In this topic, I will discuss how to install Oracle Linux 6.8 on Virtual Machine. Download Oracle Linux 6.8 Software from Create VM Start Installation.
Jul 05 2020
Install Oracle Linux 7 on VM
This article describes the installation process of Oracle Linux 7.1 on VM. Installation process will be same for any version of Linux 7.
Jul 04 2020
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure OCI Details are coming soon…
Jul 03 2020
Create Oracle RAC Database Using DBCA
Jul 02 2020
Create ASM Disk Group
In this topic I will show how to create ASM DISK Group using ASMCA tools or command line. From grid owner (either grid or oracle user) need to set environment variable for ASM Instance and run asmca command from GUI mode. [grid@exadb01 ~]$ . oraenvORACLE_SID = [grid] ? +ASM1The Oracle base has been set to …
Jul 02 2020
Oracle Database Software Installation and Create Database on RAC
In this topic I will describe how to install Oracle Database Software. There is no difference between installation on Non-Exadata and Exadata for RAC environment.